A group of racers in HTX who meetup to play bikes
Saturday @ 8 or 9am (based off time of year)
Big Horn, 20211 Hwy 6, Manvel, TX 77578
The Rules
#1- Request to join the STRAVA CLUB.
#2 - OBEY ALL TRAFFIC RULES, course is not closed.
#3 - NO TEAM TACTICS, everyone for themselves.
#4 - CENTER LINE in effect.
#5 - DON'T BE A DICK, this isn't a real race.
#6 - If you win, bring TINY TYLER back next week.

The Route
The start is 10 miles neutral from Big Horn to the Race Course .
Yellow sign around 500m after the final right curve.
8 mile flat loop done 3x clockwise (24 miles). The course is very fast and safe. It has minimal traffic and no stop signs. Three right turns, one is less than 90 degrees.
After the race everyone regroups at the Harbinger Freight Services parking lot for podiums before heading north back to Big Horn. Plan on approximately 45 miles once you leave the start.